But doesn’t the Bible say that David and Abraham walked perfectly before God or something like that soooo Yay polygamy?
If we study the actual accounts of David’s life he blew it more than with that Bathsheba thing. There was that time he counted the army when God had commanded him not to. And that time he cut off a portion of King Saul’s robe and was then conscience-stricken. And the whole thing with him being a HORRIBLE parent such that most of his children didn’t even attempt to serve the Lord and one even hated him so much he slept with several ofp his wives on the rooftop in front of the nation. Plus God said he was unworthy to build Him a temple because their was too much blood on his hands. Sometimes those hindsight accounts of how wonderful the Old Testament “saints” were have to understood as creative human record-keeping and not factual accounts or even God’s actual opinion of them. The bible is completely true in that it truthfully records events that happened and things that were said but that doesn’t mean that everything faithfully recorded in it is God’s truth on the matter. For example, the majority of the book of Job, which is a truthful account, is about the untruthful understanding of Job’s friends regarding the nature of God. We see the same when Hebrews talks about how “full of faith” Sarah and Abraham were. Ummm... the two who arranged for him to shack up with Hagar because they didn’t believe the promised child would come you mean? The same Sarah who had to name her son Isaac which means laughter because she literally snorted in disbelieving laughter when she overheard the angel say she’d have a son at this time next year...?
Polygamists like to say what a noble and perfect man of God David was as a means to support their sinful mimicry of his political and physical lusts. David was not born again and he lived as a man still under the control of the sinful nature, just like every other OT “saint”. He was able to live out those licentious dreams by virtue of being the king during a time when Israel followed marital practices that Jesus now condemns.
“So did God send them to Hell for polygamy??”
David and every other patriarch would be in hell not because of anything Moses allowed or did not allow but because they were not born again and could therefore claim no legal right to enter the presence of the Righteous One. This why, in Jesus’ account of the rich man and Lazarus, we learn that faithful Jews who died up until the day after the ascension back to the Father of our Brother, the first fruits from the dead, did not go to Heaven (Jesus also says at that time “NO ONE has seen the Father except the Son). These people went to what he refers to Abraham’s Bosom, or when he speaks to the repentant thief on the cross as Paradise, or what the psalmists or speakers in Job reference as Sheol, Hades, or the place of the dead. In other words, there was a place in Hell that God had carved out a bubble of Himself and retained a witness of the Paradise lost when Eden was destroyed by the Flood. The psalmist says “if I go down to Hell, You are there”. He’s worshipping God, not talking about the place where Jesus says “depart from me you who practice lawlessness to the OUTER darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and the worm will never die and the fire will never cease”. Jesus says there was a wide chasm uncrossable between Abraham’s Bosom and the part of Hell that the rich man went to. The rich man looked up to where Lazarus stood with Abraham. Yet they were both within the same place and even visually connected to a degree. It was through this place that Jesus would have ascended on his way UP from taking our eternal torture in Hell and then winning the keys and defeating death, Hell and the grave. He preached the gospel to the spirits held in Sheol and those faithful Jews who had died would no doubt have repented and made him their Master. Perhaps when the Spirit resurrected him these were among those of whom it says “and the graves were open and many of the bodies of those who had fallen asleep [the inference is died while still in the faith of Yahweh] were raised”.
So David could have lived a completely moral life under the law of Moses (which he didn’t, even if that were possible) and when he died he would STILL have gone to Hell because he was born of Adam and we must be born again. We see how the mercy of God is so extravagant that He reserves in His sovereignty the opportunity to choose eternal life even for those whom He chose who died before their Messiah while still doomed with no choice but to die under the penalty of the Law of Sin and Death.
Polygamists like to say what a noble and perfect man of God David was as a means to support their sinful mimicry of his political and physical lusts. David was not born again and he lived as a man still under the control of the sinful nature, just like every other OT “saint”. He was able to live out those licentious dreams by virtue of being the king during a time when Israel followed marital practices that Jesus now condemns.
“So did God send them to Hell for polygamy??”
David and every other patriarch would be in hell not because of anything Moses allowed or did not allow but because they were not born again and could therefore claim no legal right to enter the presence of the Righteous One. This why, in Jesus’ account of the rich man and Lazarus, we learn that faithful Jews who died up until the day after the ascension back to the Father of our Brother, the first fruits from the dead, did not go to Heaven (Jesus also says at that time “NO ONE has seen the Father except the Son). These people went to what he refers to Abraham’s Bosom, or when he speaks to the repentant thief on the cross as Paradise, or what the psalmists or speakers in Job reference as Sheol, Hades, or the place of the dead. In other words, there was a place in Hell that God had carved out a bubble of Himself and retained a witness of the Paradise lost when Eden was destroyed by the Flood. The psalmist says “if I go down to Hell, You are there”. He’s worshipping God, not talking about the place where Jesus says “depart from me you who practice lawlessness to the OUTER darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and the worm will never die and the fire will never cease”. Jesus says there was a wide chasm uncrossable between Abraham’s Bosom and the part of Hell that the rich man went to. The rich man looked up to where Lazarus stood with Abraham. Yet they were both within the same place and even visually connected to a degree. It was through this place that Jesus would have ascended on his way UP from taking our eternal torture in Hell and then winning the keys and defeating death, Hell and the grave. He preached the gospel to the spirits held in Sheol and those faithful Jews who had died would no doubt have repented and made him their Master. Perhaps when the Spirit resurrected him these were among those of whom it says “and the graves were open and many of the bodies of those who had fallen asleep [the inference is died while still in the faith of Yahweh] were raised”.
So David could have lived a completely moral life under the law of Moses (which he didn’t, even if that were possible) and when he died he would STILL have gone to Hell because he was born of Adam and we must be born again. We see how the mercy of God is so extravagant that He reserves in His sovereignty the opportunity to choose eternal life even for those whom He chose who died before their Messiah while still doomed with no choice but to die under the penalty of the Law of Sin and Death.
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