But doesn’t the Bible say that David and Abraham walked perfectly before God or something like that soooo Yay polygamy?
If we study the actual accounts of David’s life he blew it more than with that Bathsheba thing. There was that time he counted the army when God had commanded him not to. And that time he cut off a portion of King Saul’s robe and was then conscience-stricken. And the whole thing with him being a HORRIBLE parent such that most of his children didn’t even attempt to serve the Lord and one even hated him so much he slept with several ofp his wives on the rooftop in front of the nation. Plus God said he was unworthy to build Him a temple because their was too much blood on his hands. Sometimes those hindsight accounts of how wonderful the Old Testament “saints” were have to understood as creative human record-keeping and not factual accounts or even God’s actual opinion of them. The bible is completely true in that it truthfully records events that happened and things that were said but that doesn’t mean that everything faithfully recorded in it is God’s truth on the matter. For example, t...