
Showing posts from August, 2018

My Journey to Understanding the “Exception Clause” in Matthew

Someone asked me recently about my understanding of the exception clauses for divorce and remarriage found in Matthew.  A. The Way that Seemed Right... My journey to understanding Matthew 19:9 began a couple years ago as I was reading a bible translation which falsely quoted Jesus as saying “except for ADULTERY”. Or another translation which renders it “except for marital unfaithfulness”. But God even used these blatantly wrong translations to help me begin to consider the possibility that Jesus might not actually be talking about a circumstance where the couple COULD remarry after divorce. Jesus is talking about and to Jews under the Law of Moses. What is the penalty UNDER THAT LAW (and Roman law at that time, I have heard but not studied myself) for a Lawfully wedded woman who commits adultery? DEATH. Don’t have time to go into the OT and search that up? Just turn to John 8 and listen to what the teachers of the Law told Jesus should be done with that woman. So based on th...