
Showing posts from March, 2018

Jesus' Treatment of Divorce Judges Polyfidelitous Practices as Adulterous!

I found this link while reviewing some of the references listed in the Christian Worldview Press posts I've previously posted about. It was VERY rewarding to see the revelation Holy Spirit had brought me to via meditation on Mark 10 being clearly explained here .  If I had found this earlier maybe it wouldn't have taken so long for me to see it! Since this was posted in the very early days of webpages, I decided just to copy and paste it in its entirety for you. I didn't write any of this (all emphasis, whether bold or italics, was already in the text) and claim no credit for it, obviously! Click the above link to go directly to the source.

Ever-Growing Collection of Anti-Christian-Polygamy Resources & Support

Here is a collection of resources through the link curation service Diigo related to refuting polygamy and building monogamous marriages: Feel free to add suggested resources in the comments and I will pass them on! Not sure if this ones already in Diigo, I think it is but I still wanted to share it again. I’ve been studying this morning in the Gospels and needed to do some research to understand some of the complicated naming practices of the rulers mentioned at that time so I knew who was actually who. I came again upon this excellent article that relates to our topic of polygamy in the Bible and in that historical period and the period of the early faith family in the years after Acts and what all that means for disciples of Jesus following Him in the NT. Enjoy!

Refuting "Biblical" Polygamy, a video series

Many thanks to Doris Hanson of Shield and Refuge Ministries for her recent three-part series on "Christian" polygamy! This series was produced as part of the talk-show Polygamy: What Love is This? and normally focuses on refuting the Mormon version of polygamy using the Bible. In this series Doris addresses some of the claims of the so-called Christian polygamists and engages with some of their rhetoric from a variety of websites. Check it out!