
Showing posts from April, 2017

An Excellent Four Part Blog Post from Christian Worldview Press Against Christian Polygamy

Awhile ago I came across some blog posts with biblically thorough and well-thought out responses to the Christian polygamy question, including the interaction in the comments between the poster and several vocal pro-polygamists.  The posts date from 2015 and I am quite saddened I didn't see them sooner since the same search terms I had been using then yielded their links now.  Had I seen them earlier it may have been enough to put a stop to the deceptive heresy seeking for a foothold in my marriage.  It appears they are no longer monitored yet still require comment moderation for obvious reasons, so I decided to provide links to the posts and then share my own relevant commentary below.  Who knows, perhaps this will increase traffic to these articles for the author.* Please click the highlighted links to read the original post and comments:  Christian Polygamy? (Part 1)  posted March 31, 2015 this part was originally to be the fourth of the series as i...

Polygamy and the Adultery Connection: What Did Jesus Really Mean When He Taught About Adultery and Divorce? (Jesus or Erasmus? Two Doctrines)

One of the chief cornerstones that a solid Biblical response supporting a repeal of polygamous behaviour for New Covenant believers is built on has been muddied by a wide-spread and little known "adjustment" made in the Greek manuscripts used to translate our English Bibles.  Dr. Leslie McFall makes the case in the lengthy article linked below that the owner of that manuscript, a humanist named Erasmus, wanted to promote a doctrine he felt was "less harsh" than that of blood covenant one-flesh marriage being dissolvable only by death which necessitates the radical practice of extreme forgiveness towards those who have wronged us and a lifestyle of faithfulness and enduring prayer to change and restore even the behaviour of estranged spouses. McFall (2014) makes a compelling case that the position of Christ clearly teaches that only God can separate a one-flesh union.  As far as human choice or effort are concerned the two are joined as one until death, period...